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HawuPro Limited

HawuPro Ltd. was founded in 2013 to develop durable, relevant and simple products for demanding outdoors conditions. HawuPro originates in the invention of the Hawu tent in mid-1990s. The original Hawu tent is revolutionary in that it can be erected underneath a living tree while using the tree as a support. The idea emerged in 1993 and the use of the living tree as the central support of the tent later revealed several unique desirable qualities that were unexpected. The tent became easier to erect and the erecting required less people as compared with traditional hiking tents. We are building on this foundation still today.

HawuPro Ltd. might be considered a bit different kind of company, as it is not aimed at making maximal profit. The whole point of our work is to learn about relevant possibilities and realise these opportunities by the means of truly needed products. The creation of the original Hawu tent fostered our belief in us being on the right track, and based on the great feedback and enthusiasm around us we have gained the energy to keep going further. As a business HawuPro Ltd. is more like a bunch of scouts than a real company. We are people interested in different areas having different skills the complement each other. We are motivated by the possibility to be able to do what we really enjoy doing. Perhaps it is for this reason that HawuPro Ltd. is more focussed on participatory learning than economic profit.

Ensimmäinen Hawuteltta vuonna 1995
Hawuteltan prototyyppi vuonna 2005

The Hawu People

Pasi Ylirisku

Pasi Ylirisku



+358 (0)40 580 8233

Tommi Vahtera

Tommi Vahtera



+358 (0)50 501 9190

Salu Ylirisku

Salu Ylirisku

Web Design


+358 (0)40 720 2778

Eeva Luode

Eeva Luode

